Sunday, July 27, 2008

The End

I've made a decision.

I've been thinking and pondering the past few days.....actually, if I were totally honest, this decision has always been in the back of my heart, but it's come to the forefront in the past few months, clamoring for attention.

I won't keep my few readers in suspense any longer.

I've decided to go back to being a private citizen.

With private thoughts and a private life.

I have realized how much of a burden and obsession blogging and reading blogs has become for me. I've come to envy those who've never heard of blogging!

I'm actually breathing so much easier now that I've made this decision. I'm feeling so much better now that I've plotted a course of action.

I miss my paper journal. I miss sitting down in the mornings with the Lord and writing to Him in my journal. I miss the feel of the pen and the flow of the words. I'm going to get back to that.

This obsession has gotten so out of control for me that I now bring the laptop out to the living room when I get up, and, after a very short reading and prayer time, I'm on the computer.

I'm so grieved by that! I'm so grieved by the fact that this thing called blogging has taken the place of God in my life.

I can no longer allow that.

I miss having a private life. I know it was my own decision to make my life public by starting a blog, but the fascination is over for me.

I guess you could say I've grown out of this blogging thing.

Over the past several weeks, I've been slipping into an unhealthy state with this computer. I went from not blogging every day, to blogging a couple of times a week, to blogging every day, and now, I'm checking in on my laptop several times a day and constantly thinking about the computer....

I hate that.

I'm putting a stop to it.

I hate the lazy me I've become.

I want to concentrate on being a great wife. I want to remember what it's like to spend lots of time with my kids, having circle time and tea parties and spending one -on-one time with my son. Before they get too old.

Blogging has become a major distraction and a detriment in my life.

So, I'm cutting it out.

The dear friends that I've made online with my blog will know where to find me.

I feel so much lighter since I've made this decision! I feel like vast open spaces await me, to fill with everything productive!

I've decided to permanently delete this blog. I've also decided to no longer read blogs too. That part was a painful decision, but I can't wait to be free again....

I am so looking forward to being old fashioned and behind the times again!

I was so much happier before this blog.

I know it's going to sound funny to you, but I prefer being a private person. I prefer being in silence and solitude to anything, and my heart longs to go back to that, where the only people I share myself with is my family and my husband, and a very few good friends.

That's what I want and that's what I miss.

I don't have much of me, and I've spread myself way too thin, so that I've made the grave mistake of giving my family the leftovers at the end of the day. Gross.

So, this is goodbye. I'll still check my email, but I think I'm going to narrow it down to every couple of days. I will leave this post up for a week, and next Sunday I will delete my blog.

I think I hear my family in the background, cheering and clapping madly!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Phillipians 4:8


I was leaving the post about the film up for a few days, to see if I'd get more comments and to see if you all would post a link to the film group's site on your blogs.....

I'm admitting here that I'm so sad that nobody wanted to post the link!

I was so hoping that we could all give Advent some word-of-mouth publicity, and that those of you who have lots of readers would be interested in posting the link.

I guess it didn't work like I thought it would.

Or maybe you guys just didn't see the link....or didn't go to the link......or something.

Advent Film Group is such a noble cause to support. I myself want more films that are truly family friendly, truly God fearing. I want films that have a multi-generational theme of faithfulness! I want films that showcase true modesty and what a real family picture ought to look like......I want the films we watch to follow whatsoever is true, whatsoever is honest, whatsoever is just, whatsoever is pure, whatsoever is lovely, whatsoever is of good report, if there be any virtue and if there be any praise, think on these things. (Phillipians 4:8)

Don't you??

I don't want to see films that are "pretty clean". I don't want to see films with disrespectful children and polished, preppy moms. I don't want to see films in which women dress inappropriately. I have a responsibility, as a Christian, to not set anything evil before my eyes. I don't want to see films with potty mouthed "humor". This is also why we chose not to have access to TV.

That's why I'm so into what Advent Film Group is doing. They are changing the market for films by generating extremely favorable responses to Come What May, and people in the secular world are starting to take notice.

That's what it is going to take to change the film industry.

Let me ask you a few candid, honest questions:

Do you bring R-rated movies into your home, for just you and your husband to watch when the kids are in bed? Do you truly enjoy these movies?

Do you laugh when filthy or off color language is used?

Do you notice the female characters' attire? Do you often say how cute immodest clothing is on the main female character?

Do you think that children using filthy or off color language is funny? (I recently was subjected to a trailer of a new movie, in which a child called an adult a jacka**. The crowd around us laughed.) Do you find yourself laughing too?

I'm not accusing anyone here. What I am trying to do is to get you to examine your standards. What kinds of films do you love to watch, and why?

Would you feel comfortable watching something like 24 or LOST with Jesus? How about The Bachelorette? I've heard some Christian ladies talking about how much they love this show too.

Look, I'm just wondering out loud here. I'm not pointing any fingers. I sure hope I'm not making anyone mad....

I just want you ladies to really think! Ask yourself some of the questions I've asked before you turn the TV or DVD player on.

I'm going to challenge myself to live by Phillipians 4:8, in whatever I do.

Will you?

Listen, I used to watch American Idol sometimes online. It was weird, because when I watched the show, my stomach would get all tight, and I would get really nervous. What's more, I didn't want my girls to see it, for some reason. This really puzzled me! I mean, it's just a singing show, right? Well, my husband finally told me he thought that the show was totally wrong, and he didn't want our girls to look up to or emulate those women on there!!! AH! So that's why I felt so guilty for watching it! The women's attire leaves little to the imagination, for the most part.

That was enough for me. I stopped watching it and feel a weight off my chest.


Before you watch, read, or look at anything, ask yourself if it measures up to Phillipians 4:8. Try it! And I'll be trying it right along with you....

Oh, and then, go to this link:

Advent Film Group

And really think about what the team is trying to do.


Monday, July 21, 2008

A Disclaimer

In my post below, I left a link to the fim group's website.

Please be aware that the music for the trailer was not done by my husband. It was not written, composed, or orchestrated in any way, shape, or form by Dave.

My husband just told me that it was an old trailer and it was made in the beginning of production.

To hear an excerpt of the original music written, composed and orchestrated by my husband, please follow the link on Advent's site to my husband's website.


Our weekend

Hi ladies!!

I had a wonderful weekend!

First though, let me say a huge THANK YOU for all of your supportive, encouraging comments as I announced that I'm pregnant! I was gone this weekend, and didn't get to post or log on, so when I did this morning, I was overwhelmed and flabbergasted! 17 comments!!!! Wow! I read all of them, and I'm trying to reply to all of them too. It makes this wonderful thing that God has done for us even more special when there's support and kind words, instead of frowns and ridicule.

You gals are great!

On to another subject....

Many of you knew that my husband was working on a feature film this spring. He composed the music for a film, and it is now officially on DVD!! We got an invitation last week to the premiere in Grants Pass, showing this past Saturday.

My husband is a mailman, and he works on Saturdays!!!!

Dave's producer called him up and really wanted him to be there, so they prayed together about it, because we thought there was no way that we could get away to go to it. We also began to pray as a family that we would be able to go, as my husband was an integral part of the film........

Well, Dave asked his boss early in the week if he thought it was going to be possible to get Saturday off......and he said no. So he asked again if he could just come in really early (6 am) and sort his mail then leave. We didn't know if this was going to happen until Friday after work!! We were set to leave Saturday at noon. Quick timing, huh?

So Dave got home from work at noon and the kids already had the car packed to the very teeth! When the Clan travels, we pack heavy! No packing light for a family of 8!

We were all so excited! Off we went, down the highway on a grand adventure!

The town we were going to was one state south of us, almost to CA!!!! Over 5 hours of driving one way, as the crow flies...

We had no idea where we would stay, so Friday morning, I'm frantically searching the internet for hotels in this city. There were only two hotels with vacancies! And if you've got a big family like I do, and have tried to travel with them, you know you can't book anything online, you have to call.

So we picked out a hotel, I called, and we had a family unit reserved for us.

Meanwhile, Dave's producer had been working behind the scenes, and he called to say we would be hosted by a local couple!! All 8 of us!!!!!!

We were so excited, because this is what we really wanted. We love to stay with local families wherever we go. It's more fun, you get to make life long friends, and you get a flavor for the community much better than staying by yourself in a hotel.

Their house was better than a 5 star hotel! They were such lovely, warm people! It turns out that their ministry is hosting families who come in from out of town....

God wanted us at this premiere!

We had no idea what to expect. We had never done anything like this before! We didn't even know how big the city was that we were going to!

Dave's producer told us that the auditorium in which the premiere was to be held seated 800 people. Okay. We knew there wouldn't be that many people.....

May I say that we pushed the envelope as far as speed was concerned? I won't try to justify it, but suffice it to say that we left our town at almost 1 pm, and the premiere started at 6:30......we were going to sail in at just the right time, and we did.

We got there and went right we got in the doors, people were milling about, and a couple of the cast and crew were on hand, as well as Dave's producer. Dave stood with the cast members, chatted with them and got to know them better. Everyone felt like they knew each other anyway, having worked on the same film for months on end.

Then it was time to go get seated, and since we stayed out in the foyer meeting and greeting for so long, we almost didn't get a seat!

All 800 seats were packed, and there were even people standing in the back!!!

We watched the film. We loved the film.

After the film, there was a Q&A time, and the audience was very gracious with their praise and their applause.....I mean, the applause went on and on and on! It was as good as a standing ovation, which some people actually did stand!

My husband had an opportunity to tell how he got involved in the film and how a mailman from a small, no account town came to be composing for movies. He gave quite an inspirational talk. He encouraged the audience to reach high, and to strive to obtain their dreams.

When the audience left, the cast/crew went out to a local pizza restaurant, and then we followed our host couple to their gracious home out in the country...........

And the rest is history!

The movie garnered an extremely favorable response.

I want you all to do something for me. I would be ever so privileged if you would post a link to the film group's site on your blog, so that we can generate even more publicity for the film.

On the site you will read all about Advent Film Group's mission, their goals, and the people behind the group. You'll also learn about the film, and there is a link to my husband's website too, where you can listen to an 8 minute sampling of what will be on the movie soundtrack CD.

Here's the link:

Advent Film Group

If you would please post this link on your blog, we would be immeasurably grateful.

Word of mouth generates a lot of publicity....and we want this film to touch hearts for Jesus!

Friday, July 18, 2008



I typed the post below TWICE!!!

I was sure I had told the largest font to go back to normal size after our announcement, but apparently it didn't! So the post is extra, super long due to the extra super large font!

So sorry........


Two Words?

I was going to do this post with just two words.....

But I'm just not a two word girl!


Without further ado......

(Drumroll, please!)


No, your eyes did not deceive you!

We are exactly 13 weeks and 5 days!

Now you know just how long I've been dying to do this post! Almost 3 1/2 months, to be precise!

Don't be sore or cross with me!

We figured, after the heartache and trauma that our family has endured these past several months, that it would be much easier to wait until after three months than to tell and retell in case I had another miscarriage.

Please understand.

I went to my three month check up with Dr. Wonderful yesterday, and heard the most wonderful, most enticing, most beautiful music to my ears: baby's heartbeat!

It's the third time I've heard it, strong and steady, working without effort.

Imagine how nervous, how scared I have been this whole time........fearing the worst and wanting so badly to tell you all!

Now you know my deepest, most delicious, most sacred secret!!

I just got done reading a book called "Mothers Together" by Ruth Bell Graham and Gigi Graham Tchividjian. It was a joint effort between the two, comprised of Ruth's poems and thoughts, and Gigi's thoughts on motherhood as well. It was inspiring. Beautiful. Thought provoking. Encouraging. And admonishing!

I want to post here a passage by Ruth, after doctors had told her and Bill that there would be little hope of them ever having a child, and it details, better than I ever could, just how I feel right now:

"At times during the day I'd be busy~then it would all flood over me again, filling me with such a sense of importance I could hardly contain it. I'd find myself thinking when with others~'You don't know, you can't tell it yet (earlier on, for me) but a new little life has started in this body. I look around me, here, and when I go to town, and I think~everyone I see and millions more~the whole world of people, came this very same way. But it just doesn't matter. I feel I'm the only one who ever had a baby. The only one God ever led the particular way Bill and I have come, bringing us to the place where so much we wanted a baby but weren't even hoping. The only one God specially touched in this way, giving us back all we had buried."


This is better than a secret box of luxurious chocolate truffles, hidden away to indulge in one by one! This is far more satisfying than a warm bath with scented candles and a great book! This is far more comfortable than a big plate of pot roast and gravy, mashed potatoes and roasted veggies........actually, mmmm, that sounds good!!

To say that our hearts burst with joy and our eyes threaten to overflow with tears at a moment's notice is an understatement!

"The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy!"

Thank You, Lord, for our baby who grows, protected and silently, in the secret place. Thank You that soon, I will feel the joy of tickles, bubbles and twirls as we wait to meet this little miracle. We want You to know that we are intensely grateful for Your favor.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

New Pictures!

I have new pictures!!!

Look at my sidebar........

The top picture is my family. Myself, my husband and our children, all together at the lake, which is about 5 blocks away from our house. The picture was taken by my awesome friend Gayle on the occasion of my husband's surprise 40th birthday party this past Sunday.

It was so great! I invited most everyone we knew and church family too, and about 40 people showed up. It was really fun because he was totally shocked!

I had been planning the party since about May and managed to keep it under wraps, even though my kids knew about it too! (They're great at keeping secrets!) My mom made, addressed, and sent out all of the invitations, and my friend Lisa was the RSVP gal and helped me with bringing extra stuff.

So, a good time was had by all and I'm soooo happy to have a family picture on my blog now, so you gals can see all of us together, and catch a glimpse of the man that I constantly brag about!

And the avatar? It's one picture that I actually like of me, so Gayle put it right up for me!

What a friend!

Onto other topics.....I'll be posting another recipe Friday. I want to have a regular day that is my recipe post day, I just haven't decided which day yet, but forgive me in advance if it's a different day each week.....I'm rather scatterbrained right now....I mean, er, I guess you could say I'm scatterbrained all the time!!! LOL!

Monday, July 14, 2008


Here's a zinger for ya!

The other night after Daddy got home from work, we were all sitting out on the couch. Our Kellie loves to touch us, and this night, she was feeling particularly touchy-feelie! She was snuggled up next to Daddy, her arm around his neck, her head on his shoulder....

He was still in his Post Office duds, which, in the summer consists of polyester shorts and blue regulation shirt. So, his legs were hanging out......

As Kellie stroked his furry legs, she exclaimed incredulously......

"Daddy! You need to shave your legs! They're too furry!"

Saturday, July 12, 2008

*Sniff Sniff!*

*Sniff Sniff*

You gals have done it again!!

You all have touched my heart deeply with your encouraging and super supportive comments on my "Hard Post".

I really debated for days whether or not to post about that episode.

Well, I am intensely glad I did.

I want you gals to know and understand that I am FAR from perfect. I've lost a lot of friends due to the fact that some people (well, lots of people, actually) think that I am perfect, just because I choose to follow a Proverbs 31 approach to my life, my parenting, and my marriage.

I'm something of an anomaly in my church, believe it or not. I'm the odd man out, but that's okay with me. I just live my life according to what God has laid out for me in the Holy Bible......and the rest is not my affair.

I tell you, I had tears in my eyes as I read each one of your comments.

I trust and know that you all are just like me, imperfect and becoming.

I am so glad I started blogging! You all have been better friends to me than most of my real life friends!

I hesitated to let my husband read the post, because I didn't ask him before I posted about that very sensitive episode. After all, I didn't want to embarrass or dishonor him...

But last night I did let him read it, and he actually said it was a really good post.

I'm so glad I did post it!

I'm no longer angry and festering anymore. The realizations that the Lord has brought to me in the past few days have healed and taken away a lot of what was stewing and brewing and corroding.

Thank you for praying for me. Thank you for standing shoulder to shoulder with me in this walk of faith. I value each one of you!!

As I close this post, I leave you with a few words from one of my favorite songs. It's called "Settle on My Soul" by the Martins, which happens to be one of my all time favorite groups, and I'm sad that they aren't together anymore......

I have fasted, I have prayed,
I've walked a straight line
and I have strayed.
Climbed a mountain
beat my chest
on my knees I have confessed.
Strip this pride, search me, Lord.
Open Heaven, show me more...
Settle on my soul, sweet Jesus,
settle down on me.
Let the veil fall from my face.
Reveal Your mystery.
Let me feel Your embrace
warm my unbelief.
Settle on my soul, sweet Jesus,
settle down on me.

Excerpted from the Glorify, Edify, Testify album by the Martins

Friday, July 11, 2008

A Hard Post

I've started reading a new book.

Marsha sent it to me. Marsha is the best kind of friend, because she is funny, witty, and sweet, but most of all, because she cares about my soul. She spurs me on!

So, I started reading Beautiful In God's Eyes by Elizabeth George. It is an in depth study of the Proverbs 31 woman.

I just started it this morning, and already I'm convicted. I'm challenged. My thoughts are provoked.

Before I started reading it, I did just what Mrs. George suggested the reader do: I prayed that God would open my eyes to the truths in the book that I needed to see. I prayed that He would soften my heart. I prayed that He would forgive me for being hard and stubborn and lax.

Allow me to digress.....

My attitude and lack of vigilance had gotten so bad that it culminated in a huge fight with my husband the other night, in which I threw my cell phone across the room, cussed at my husband, and though he stood in front of the door and forbade me to leave, I did anyway......

I tore down everything that God had done in my heart in the past three years in one fell swoop. I dishonored my husband, deeply hurt him, and shamed myself in the process. I became as rottenness to his bones.......In that one short moment, I became contention. My heart was full of rage, selfishness, and wrath, and it all came spewing out, all over my gentle and unsuspecting husband.

My heart still hurts just thinking about it!

I had allowed myself to get indolent and insouciant.

And when I stormed out of the house, God did not allow me to go alone. Nope. He went with me. Our God is like that. There is no place on earth that I can go to get away from His love. Not up to the farthest reaches of the heavens. Not even to the darkest depths of the sea.

As I pulled into Janie's Place, I got out of the car and crumpled on the grass, close to her. It's peaceful and beautiful there and the Lord has met me there so many times.

I didn't cry. My heart was too dry and shriveled for that. But I did pray. I asked God to please forgive me and to take me out of the dry, barren place I was in.

I didn't want to come home. I felt that I had destroyed the peace of our home. I felt I had soiled the holiness that dwells here and didn't deserve to enter into my husband's home.

I did come home, but I sat out in the van. I was so ashamed and embarrassed and the knowing that I had made my husband ashamed was nearly my undoing.

I got out of the van and sat on one of the chairs on our front porch. I was just to scared and too abashed to go in.

After a while my husband came out and I couldn't even look at him.

In the end, everything was put to rights. My husband forgave me and when I told him I was not good enough to share his bed and that I would sleep on the couch, he wouldn't hear of it.

He invited me back in. He gathered me up and in that moment, he put my heart back together.

Doesn't that sound just like our God??

It took me about two days to get over what I had done.

Since then, I realized all of my anger had nothing to do with my husband. I realized the reasons why I was upset and hurt, and yes, even so mad at God.

Through the preaching of S.M Davis, I had a revelation. I saw that I didn't understand why God had done the things that He has done to me. I wasn't okay with the fact that He can because He is sovereign.

That was a major a-ha! moment for me.

So, this book has come to me at just the right time. The Lord has once again tenderized my heart and is bringing me out of this hard and parched place that was of my own making.

Would you yourself be brave enough to get the book and allow God to shake up your heart again?

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

One Word Meme

Okay, here's yet another meme from me. I got this one from Gayle over at thewetstiecrew.

It's a one word meme. One word?? Yep, one word answers. I know. One word answers from me, the Queen of Words?

I thought I would try it.

Here goes.

1. Cell phone? purse
2. Significant other? husband
3. Hair? dark
4. Mother? exhausting
5. Father? unknown
6. Favorite thing? family
7. Dream last night? forgotten
8. Favorite drink? Izze
9. Dream/goal? becoming
10. Room I'm in? mismatched
11. Church? small
12. Fear? fat
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? country
14. Where were you last night? home
15. What I'm not? finished
16. Muffins? yuck
17. Wish list item? babies
18. Where did you grow up? CA
19. Last thing I did? direct
20. What are you wearing? skirt
21. TV? off
22. Pets? protective
23. Computer? lap
24. Life? full
25. Mood? varying
26. Missing someone? angels
27. Car? van
28. Not wearing? socks
29. Favorite store? scrapbook
30. Summer? endless
31. Love someone? passionately
32. Favorite color? brown
33. Last time you laughed? earlier
34. Last time you cried? previously
35. Who will repost? nobody

Consider yourself tagged!

Monday, July 7, 2008

A Postscript

A little postscript to my last post! Angel asked me if I used organic soup in my sauce. Angel, I do use organic soups in my sauces. I also use organic broth, organic noodles, and organic produce. I switched to organic soups for my sauces many years ago. I realized that one of the most unhealthy things we were eating was Campbell's cream soups. They are loaded with MSG, preservatives, and everything artificial. For those who are curious, just read the labels. The brand of organic soups and broths I use contain absolutely nothing artificial, no food colorings, no preservatives, no artificial thickeners, and most importantly, low sodium and NO MSG.

I will say, Angel, that I always find my soups and broths on sale at my grocery store. The Health Valley soups are a bit more watery than Campbell's, but that never has affected my recipes or the taste. I like Health Valley because they taste good, and also because I know we can eat them and still be healthy!

I know that's a long answer, but there it is, and thanks for asking, Angel.

Of course, you can make my recipes with whatever you choose to use. Campbell's, store brand, whatever.

If you gals do make my recipes for your families, let me know how you liked them!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

A Recipe Post!

I decided to do a weekly recipe post.

If you gals want me to do this, just let me know in your comments.....

Cause I've got TONS of recipes! A few are from cookbooks, but most of them are original. Before you get all impressed and thinkin' I'm a chef, let me tell you WHY I have so many original recipes:

Because I am challenged to understand recipes from a cookbook!

Honestly. I can read the recipe 5 times and still go "Huh?" (Incidentally, I do this with manuals and instructions too. I am not remotely like Angel, who loves manuals!!!! LOL!)

As I read a recipe, I catch myself going, hmmm, that doesn't sound like it would taste good with that, why don't we try this instead? Or how about adding this and that to this to get this?? Or, I just get an idea of what would taste even better and start all over from scratch!

I'm weird! I get ideas whenever I read recipes......and then I try the ideas.....

Most of my recipes do not have meausurements. For my recipe posts, I have tried to be as accurate as possible. And I will admit, for all of you to see, that trying to get a recipe from me is like trying to find the lost city of Atlantis. I'm pretty secretive with my recipes, for a couple of reasons. One, I love to bless my friends and family with something that is my own, cooked from scratch, and to see their faces and hear their joy when they eat it! And two, most of the time I have no idea of the measurements of ingredients that go into my recipes!

I used to have a cooking business, in which I had a list of dishes that the client would choose from. I'd give the client a shopping list and they'd go to the grocery store, get everything on the list, and bring it to my house. Then, I'd cook the dishes and freeze them, and they'd pick them up. I used all of my own recipes. I'm not doing that now, due to being busy with my family, but I still have it on the back burner for a future time. My sister in law is a self professed terrible cook, and she and her boyfriend eat out constantly, and I have offered to come into her home and put some dishes in the freezer for them, but alas, they haven't taken me up on the offer!

I do own cookbooks, but I read them for fun and inspiration, not to learn a new thing.

I told you I was weird, Marsha!!!

So, without further shilly shallying, here's my first recipe!

Creamy Chicken Divine:

6 boneless, skinless chicken breast
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 cup sour cream
1 TBSP yellow mustard
3 TBSP teriyaki sauce
1 bunch of green onions, chopped
1 C shredded cheese

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Place chicken in a greased baking dish (you know the size). Combine next 6 ingredients in large bowl. Pour over chicken. Bake at 350 for 45 minutes, or until chicken juices run clear when pricked with fork. Makes 6 servings. Sauce is GREAT over mashed potatoes!

This recipe is original and copyrighted under Digby's Delectables 2000

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

My Birthday

I had a fabulous birthday this year!!

Yes, yours truly had another birthday in a long line of birthdays.

I'm not as young as I used to be! (Waaah!)

My dad tells me I'm not a spring chicken anymore! In fact, he keeps saying "I can't believe your thirty-something!"

Thanks, Dad!

This year, since this birthday was a bit of a milestone, I wanted to really party!

Actually, with my husband burning the candle at both ends for the past few months, and not being able to even eat dinner with him, he decided to take some time off, since he finished both of the huge projects he was working on.

So, since his long weekend (he gets Friday and Saturday off every 6 weeks) conveniently fell on my birthday, he decided to make it really special for me.

Friday we went to Ecola State Park and Indian Beach. We played (or rather, the kids played) on the beach alllll day! It was really Sofia's first time at the beach, and I was concerned that she would be scared of the huge water and the waves. I needn't have feared! She took to the water like, well, the proverbial duck!

After we got done at Indian Beach, it was time to head home. My husband stopped at Dooger's for me to get a little dinner to go. I got a shrimp louie salad and a cup of clam chowder. Yumm-o! For those of you who are not from around here, Dooger's is a local joint specializing in seafood. There are a few at the coast.

Back on the road, it was a very quiet ride home, as it was pretty late. The kids really wanted to go to Izzy's back at home, so we headed 9:30 at night! They closed at 10! Again, Izzy's is a local pizza/salad buffet restaurant.

We got home at 10 or so, and some of the kids took a shower to wash the gobs of sand off their bodies that anyone who ever goes to the beach manages to accumulate in every crevice.

We finally went to bed at about 11.

The next day I spent with my mom, up north, going to Costco. She took me out to lunch (Mexican, my favorite!) and gave me $50 to spend on myself!!! While I was up north, Dave decided to take the kids to the river, since it was only about 96 degrees that day....

Sunday we went to church and after church we had to take Dave's iMac down south to the Apple store. We brought all the kids with us and made a day of it. The kids ate pizza, we ate mediocre Chinese food. I did have a strawberry and banana kabob drizzled with dark chocolate. AND hubby bought me some scrumptious perfume that I had been dreaming about from L'Occitane. It's Lemon and smells sooooooo fresh and citrusy, my favorite.

I almost forgot to tell you what my husband got me for my birthday!! He presented me with a handmade tiny gift box, tied up with a beautiful, fancy ribbon. In it was a $150 gift certificate to my favorite scrapbooking store AND a gift card to one of my favorite coffee places! I felt spoiled! I felt so loved!

All in all, it was one of the two best birthdays of my life.

My family is amazing. My husband is so fantastic.

I feel blessed tonight.