Monday, March 19, 2012

My Dreams

Are any of out there dreamers? Are you goal-oriented?

Are you into making lists and do you get those listed things done?

Do any of you have any dreams you'd like to accomplish in life?

For most, if not all, of my life I was never encouraged to dream and plan and strategize and accomplish.  I learned at an early age that laziness was much easier.  I was never taught to be a go-getter.  Man, that's hard to change! That kind of mindset is hard to turn around, especially in the middle of my life! I learned that crashing and burning on the way to a goal was very, very painful and nobody would be there to dust me off when I did fall.  It was me, myself and I and that was normal to me.

And then I met my husband. 

He's a massive visionary.  He's a revolutionary.  He's got tons of energy and he can't stand it when others don't! He isn't lazy or unmotivated or anything like that.  He's got dreams and goals and visions and plans, and he's determined to work toward them.

The thing is, most of his dreams and plans and goals include me.  Actually, integral parts of his dreams can only be accomplished if I come along and help.


Anyway, I've been reading posts lately detailing dreams and goals.  So, I thought I'd do the same thing.  Here are several of my secret dreams.....

I want to take a road trip from our home to Cape Cod.  I want to stop and visit all of our friends along the way.  I want to share the driving with my husband and my son, since I love to drive long distance and my husband hates to sit for long periods of time.  I'd actually like to travel all around the country.

I want to be fluent in French.  And Spanish.

I would like to have a tiny, gluten free bakery someday.  I'd love to have the money to be able to do that.  I love it when people's faces light up after tasting a creation of mine.

For my 20th anniversary, and my 40th birthday next year, which happen to fall just a few months away from each other,  I'd love to take a cruise to Alaska from Seattle.  Actually, I'd love to take a Gaither Homecoming cruise.  I feel sure I could never leave my kids for 10 days....

I'd love to have a beautiful, relaxing, pleasant looking bedroom.  I'd love to have matching bedroom furniture and a beautiful bed.  This would make me feel so much more relaxed and peaceful than the ramshackle room I have now.  But then I'd never want to leave it!

I'd love to make an album in the studio of my husband's orchestrations backing up my voice.  People have always told me I have a great voice and I'd like to do something with it.  I've secretly always known that I could do exactly what the big singers do.

I'd like to sing in front of a full orchestra in a beautiful gown.

I'd like to be a women's speaker at retreats or conventions.

I'd love to have multiples again.  And have both (or all) of them live.

We'd like to have another boy baby.

I want to learn how to play tennis and ping pong and badminton.  So I can compete against my kids!

I'm toying with becoming a doula.

If I was well off enough, I'd get a massage every week.

I'd like to pay off our house and our debts for my husband, in secret.

I think it would be fun to have a Food Network show.

And that's enough, for now!

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