Thursday, January 2, 2014

Another Update

Thank you all for continuing to hang in there with us through this long journey!

I just got back from my midwife's.  She only sees patients on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, but she has made many exceptions for me.  She was even feeling ill and she saw me anyway!

I called her at 5:30 PM and she agreed to do a quick ultrasound to confirm that Baby Boy was still not head down, as we thought today, and she was going to make an appointment for me tomorrow to have him turned and induced and maybe even just have a C-section.

I had an adjustment and a 1 hour pregnancy massage today at my chiropractor.  My chiropractor thought his head was a bit lower but he wasn't head down.  I couldn't feel anything that different and just thought indeed that his head was a bit lower on my left side.

I came home and laid down in my bed and tried to take a nap.  I got a bit of sleep.

So upon arriving at my midwife's, she got me settled and put the wand on my tummy......

When what to our wondering eyes should appear but a Baby's head down very low, we knew in a moment that he was almost ready to go!

Yes, Baby Boy is now head down and semi-engaged.  She said there is little chance of him moving back and so....

We will probably have a baby in the next few days!

Thank you all for your prayers.  That is the only reason why it looks as though our deep desire for a peaceful home birth is going to be graciously granted by the Lord!

Whatever you do, please do not stop praying! Pray for Baby Boy to stay put! Pray for a peaceful and quick birth!

Indeed, God is gracious and merciful and full of loving compassion!!!!!


A Bite of Country Cupcakes said...

Yay!!!! You have some faith girl!!! Look forward to happy news,sooner than later for your sake as I am sure your keen to have bubba here.

Renata said...

That is wonderful Leanne! I am praying for you & thinking of you often! I look forward to "meeting' your new little one in the near future!!! (How exciting is that!!??!!)

Susan said...

Yay that is great news. I am so excited for you. It is almost over and then you will be holding that little guy in your arms.

csbwhite said...

What a little stinker! Praying he will stay put and just chill. Leanne, you are in my thoughts and prayers. Remember, you are beautiful and wonderful and God gave you incredible power and strength. Trust this birth. Trust this journey. God will see you through!!

Unknown said...

Oh so exciting!!!! Can't wait't for him to get here!!! Praying Praying Praying!!! Love you sweet friend!

Kathryn said...

Praying here Leanne! Can't wait to hear that baby boy has arrived safely and you are holding him in your arms! So happy for you!

My Little Warriors said...

I started to cry when I read this! God is faithful friend.. love you and continuing to pray

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to hear Jack's birth story! So glad you are both doing well. He is adorable! I'm SO anxious to come see you. <3

Jennifer H.

A Bite of Country Cupcakes said...

Has bubba arrived??? Ohhhh wow!!!