Monday, November 11, 2013


I have decided to jump on the "31 Days of Thankfulness" bandwagon and so, I've been posting sporadically what I'm thankful for on FB…..

But I want to do 31 Things I'm Thankful For as a post on my blog.

Here I go!

1.  I'm thankful for breath.  I'm thankful for another day to start over again.

2.  I'm thankful for really, really good coffee.

3.  I'm thankful that I'm going gray very, very gradually and I'm thankful for being able to ease into the process instead of waking up one day completely gray! My hair is very, very dark. It's a brown that looks almost black and so gray strands are very, very stark and noticeable, and mine are actually not gray but silver….but they're hidden and very few! I haven't decided if I'll dye my hair, but I don't think I will.

4.  I'm thankful to live every single day with my very best friends, my daughters.

5.  On that note, I have no idea what the Lord is thinking by giving me so many children, but His plan is so much more wise and perfect than mine and I'm SO thankful that He does have a plan!

6.  I'm thankful for eyes that see so that I can witness the gorgeous, super-saturated colors of Autumn here in my town.  It is truly a feast for the eyes!

7.  I'm thankful for tastebuds that still work.  I am a closet Foodie, so taste is super important to me.

8.  I'm so thankful for my new water jug.  You can go to to see my water jug.  They come in different sizes and different colors.  Mine is the large aqua one.  I've been sternly admonished that I really need to be drinking more water and so I needed a water jug and this one is wonderful! I try to drink at least two of them a day.

9.  I'm thankful for our car.  Though it may be beat up and very small and though we may have to take two trips to church in order to get everyone there, we still have a car and I'm so thankful.

10.  I'm thankful beyond measure that I can be a stay at home mama and that my husband has a good job.  I know that there isn't a lot of security in the world today, but my husband's job has been there through it all for 20 years now.  We know that the Lord continues to provide for us through my husband's job and I am very, very thankful.

11.  I'm thankful that the Lord gave me the recipe for making my very own gluten free/wheat free flour mixture.  I'm thankful because I and some of my children have food allergies and it sure helps that I can make things like cupcakes and muffins and breads and cakes and biscuits for all of us, that we can all have…..

And that's all I'm going to say for now, since I'm caught up!!

I'm trying to think of all of the seemingly small, inconsequential things that I'm thankful for, instead of the obvious things that grace everyone's lists these days.  Yes, being thankful for sight and breath and taste may seem obvious, but as close as I came to death a few months ago, I never want to lose sight of the fact that God literally snatched me away from the jaws of the enemy just in time.  And now I'm whole and healthy and what's more, so is the baby within my womb.  So, two lives were saved and I recognize that we are both miracles.  I never, ever want to forget that, so you'll hear me marveling about those things a lot.  I usually marvel quietly and am amazed silently, but I'm going to be saying it out loud a lot more!!

I think I'm going to put up a "Thankful List" on the front door so that my children can write things down.  I want to make it a long piece of paper with lots of space for them to really be creative.

Okay, maybe I will do one last thing that I'm thankful for:  I've got 45 days left of this pregnancy, and I am more than thankful, I'm humbled and in awe and grateful and totally brought low to be the vessel to carry this life.  I've gotten this far and well……

It's a miracle!


Kathryn said...

You are back on FB??? I didn't know that :(. I still owe you an email. Life has been absolutely crazy. I haven't had time to blog or anything. I'll get one off to you soon. Can I be your friend on FB again?

Theresa said...

I'd love to have your g/f flour recipe. I am grain free for now too and that makes it extra hard to bake.