Sunday, April 3, 2011


"If you and I are truly following in the Master's footsteps, we too must be willing to risk apparent failure in the eyes of the world; and, harder still, must often be content to be misunderstood by our fellow-Christians. It is only when we have learned the faith and obedience which leave all consequences with God, that we can know the power and deep joy contained in these words, that once sounded so terrible.........

'I am crucified with Christ'"


Excerpted from Springs in the Valley by Mrs. Charles Cowman, April 3rd


Gayle said...

Hello, my friend.. I think you're going to want to read this post:

Renata said...

So true! Thanks for sharing. I've been wondering how you are going - did you get my email?
Hope you have a wonderful week dear friend - we've been away at home school camp last week & this week we are trying to get as much school work done as possible!
Have fun

Erin said...

Hello! Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog. And you are Super Mom with all those sweet babies to call your own! (And I thought my life was busy with just one!) Congrats! Hope all is well.

Katie said...

Leanne ~ I have been thinking about you and catching up on your blog. I've missed my "blog friends!" I just don't have the extra time I used to, but that's ok because I'm spending it with our new little man. ; )

But I have missed you! You have touched my heart and continue to in special ways.

I can't believe your sweet Pennie is growing so quickly, and I'm very sorry precious Olivia is not in your arms. You are a wonderful and beautiful mom to both your sweet baby girls and all of your other heaven and on earth!

I pray you feel your heart tenderly held in the LORD's hands today.