Okay, let's talk about diapers!
Since I can't do a "Jack Update" due to the fact that the new pictures the girls took of him are nowhere to be found, let's talk about diapers.
Picking out diapers can cause a mama's head to spin! There are way too many choices out there, touting everything from extra absorbency to streamlined fit, to even killing odors!
Having 9 children, I guess this makes me a "seasoned mama". I don't know about that, but I do know that I've used literally every single brand of disposable diaper under the sun. I've used them in every single situation and every single circumstance too, from playing in the water in them to a baby being sick, to even regular, every day usage. We received a lot of different brands of diapers as gifts before Jack was born, and that was a great way for me to log in to some different brands and really firm up my likes and dislikes when it came to diapers!
Here is a review of the major brands of diapers out there, from my least favorite to my most favorite.

First off, let's talk about these diapers. I noticed that for Jack, with other diapers, every time he would go pee-pee, the diaper would start to smell really strange, like old pee. This was every single time, no matter if he had just gone or what. This was also true for most of the diapers I tried, except these ones. These diapers never smelled at all. They also held a LOT of pee-pee. I could leave these diapers on Jack through the night without them leaking at all….however, those two pros are the only good things about these diapers. As soon as Jack would go poo, these diapers leaked it out, and it would get all over his clothes! I was having to change his outfit at least 4 times a day. He'd leak all over everything else, and I was also having to change my clothes a lot with these diapers. These are my number one least favorite diapers. Yes, they are chlorine free and "earth friendly"….but they are also very expensive and we'd have to change him a lot, thereby using a lot of these spendy little bun covers! Save your money and don't even try these!

Luv's diapers are very inexpensive. They come in big packages. On Jack, since he's still really little at 3 months and he's very skinny and long, these fit his waist very well. But those are the only things I liked about these diapers. They also tend to run small, so he wore a size 1 when he was wearing size newborn in other diapers. These leak terribly and smell awful and they really did tend to sag badly after Jack went pee-pee even once. Poo leaks out of these like crazy, and we had to change outfits on him and me a lot too. These used to have Blue from Blue's Clues on them, and that was okay with me, but they changed when Blue's Clues went off the air, and I care about the pictures and characters on my son's buns!!

Pampers has a few styles to choose from. I liked these for Jack when he was in the newborn size because they fit really well and were very absorbent. That's all I can say about these though. They were pretty bulky and even more bulky when he'd go pee-pee in them. They stunk the worst out of all the diapers we tried. We also tried the other types that Pampers offers, and they smelled awful too. And another thing, I'm particular about the pictures or characters that are on the diapers I buy, and frankly, I despise Mickey and Minnie deeply. I don't like two stupid looking mice on my son's buns! Yes, that is a bit of a quirky thing, but it matters to me!
These diapers are available at Fred Meyer and Kroger stores. They were okay…just okay. There wasn't anything about them that stood out to me. They were just ordinary, average diapers. The large bumble bee/mouse creatures on these diapers were stupid too….

Now, these babies are my second favorite diapers. They fit Jack perfectly and didn't sag after he goes pee-pee. They never, ever leaked once, not pee or poo. I never had to change his outfit once when he was wearing these. When he was born, none of the other diapers we had fit him but these. He wore the newborn size until he was two months old. Like I said before, he's skinny and long and the fit of a diaper is important, and these seemed that they actually contoured to his buns and his waist. These never sagged at all. I didn't mind the Winnie the Poo themed characters on these, I thought they were rather sweet. The only two things I didn't like about them was the price and the fact that after a few pee-pees, they started to smell bad. These actually were the most expensive diapers we've had, and that's a downfall, for me.

These are my favorite diapers. These are Kirkland Supreme diapers. For our large family, we go to Costco every two weeks when we get paid. These diapers are the most inexpensive ones, which is great, and Costco often has a coupon for them in the coupon book. They're great diapers for so many other reasons too. They have never leaked once. They are extra, super absorbent. I know I can leave Jack in these all night and his clothes will still be dry. They are very slim and they fit Jack's tall, skinny body. They never sag, no matter how much they've absorbed. They have cute pictures of zoo animals on them. These diapers are very stretchy and so, I know they'll fit Jack for a long while. They have never stunk when he goes pee-pee, no matter how long Jack wears the diaper. The smallest size Kirkland offers is a size1-2, and Jack's still wearing these at three months old. The only thing I don't like about these is that there is no newborn size at all, and they were way too big for Jack for the first two months of his life. That may be something to consider when you buy your diapers for your newborn. That said, these still remain my favorite diapers.
So, to wrap up this post, my favorite diapers are Kirkland Supreme diapers and Huggies Little Snugglers diapers. I buy Kirkland diapers almost every time I go to Costco, even if I don't need them! I guess I'm paranoid that they're going to suddenly discontinue them, as they did with their Whisk laundry detergent and their Joy dish soap, both of which are my favorites and it was a mild life crisis for me when they stopped carrying those two things, but that's a rabbit trail…..now, where was I?? Oh, we were talking about diapers!! LOL!
I hope this post has been helpful for you. I hope you consider my advice if you're a new mama, or if you know someone who is a new mama. Maybe you can use this post as a reference when buying diapers for your friend's baby shower or for your local crisis pregnancy center. Crisis pregnancy centers always need diapers for their clients, so this is a great gift for them too!