Thursday, February 9, 2012


Hey there.

Yes, it has been almost a month since I've blogged!!!

It isn't for lack of good ideas for posts.  I'll think of something I want to post and then I'll think, does everyone need to hear that? Is it dumb? Are you totally freaky? So you see, Myself and I talk about things and well, Myself wins out a lot! But today I won the arguement and I'm posting whatever I want! Sometimes I ought to tell Myself to just hush up.

I think I'll give you a glimpse of what's going on in my house right at the moment.

Currently my Newly Minted Three Year Old (Lulu) is running up and down the hallway, and on the way down and back she is slapping me five! She is seriously the CUTEST Three Year Old I have ever seen in all of my born days.  I know you all think YOUR Three Year Olds are cute, but uh-uh, mine is! Oh, and I forgot to mention, she's running with a pencil! Please, call the authorities, will ya??

My Son just made the most fabulous broiled hamburgers in all of the known universe.  Seriously.  They rival Red Robin for taste, which happens to be my favorite burger restaurant, though since it's about an hour away from us I don't go there often.  Thank God? Or Bummer? Ask my Big Ol' Back End! Seriously YUMMY! We use our own beef and a Secret Recipe. Yes, you can have the recipe.  Just send your payment for$250,000 to my Paypal account!

We make our own Heinz 57 sauce.  We call it *Ourlastname* 68.  No, I'm not going to tell you our last name.  Weirdos out there an all.....but I will tell you that it tasted famous on those yummy burgers!!

My house is tidy. I give all the thanks today to kids who did their jobs well and blessed my eyelashes off!

Everyone is gathering in the living room for a mid-afternoon round of Wii.  Love the Wii because they can play together.  I played for the first time the other night.  Gals, let me tell you that if those situations were real life, we'd all be dead! Or seriously injured with amnesia and broken appendages. But it sure was fun. Now all of the kids always want to play with me!

We currently have all of the windows open because during the broiling of the aforementioned Yummy Burgers, they got a little charred and our smoke alarm proceeded to make itself heard.  So now we're airing out the smoke. But most of the Yummy Burgers were cooked to perfection.

I actually love our living room without furniture of any sort! Yes, that's right, we do not own a single stick of furniture besides the Coffee Table That Has Seen Better Days and some mismatched bookcases.  We have a TV cabinet which houses our 30 Year Old TV and our DVD's and movies.  We also have a piano that hasn't been tuned since the last plague came down in Egypt.  But we have tons of room in our tiny living room for kids to dance and twirl and slide around in their socks!

My baby is drawing me like a magnet! She crawled up to me just a minute ago and pulled herself up on my leg and just looked up at me and cried for me to pick her up.  We're tight, she and I.  I just rubbed my lips on her soft head and mauled her face with kisses.  She eats it up.  She can find me literally anywhere I am in the house now.  And she does.  I could eat a regular serving of Pennie every day with a spoon!!

My son is playing the Lego Star Wars game on the Wii, which is actually pretty funny.  Two of his very favorite things, Lego and Star Wars, in one!

One of the funniest things I've ever seen is my Sofia, who is just this side of 6, play the Wii.  That girl has a healthy self-esteem and she is just about the most hilarious Wii player! She doesn't care if she wins or loses.  She just wants to be Big Stuff like her older sisters.  Oh, I love that girl!

I love this time in the day when we all are together and having good, quality time together and waiting for Daddy to get home from work.  I seriously think my kids are the bee's knees!


My Little Warriors said...

love your family! can't wait to see you guys soon! SOON being the key word... before the end of feb.

Renata said...

It is lovely to hear about your life!!! I hope you win more often. Your blog is about you & whatever you want to write is fine ~ don't ever feel it isn't good enough ( there you go that's my blogging wisdom from my 4 years of blogging). I wish I could come & visit ~ Ellie would love to twirl with all your girls & Zai would play Wii ( we love ours as well ~ so much fun for all the family). The twins ~ well they would find someone to play with ( they always do).
Snuggle on your baby ~ enjoy your family & oh I have to say...
I think you're terribly mean in sharing about your burgers & sauce & not sharing the recipe ;) Don't you know I'm hungry over here??!!??

Have a wonderful day dear friend
Love to you