Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve Ponderings

Today, Christmas Eve Day, I find myself pondering things.

I wonder, what would have happened, so long ago in that Garden of Gethsemane, as Christ Jesus grappled with His Father......

What would have happened if He had said that day....

"No thanks, Dad, I don't think I'll do it.  Those people aren't worth it and I just don't have time to die for them.  It's too hard".

What would have happened?

The ramifications of this thought are too dire and too depressing for me to entertain.

And so....on this day before Christmas, as a silent and peaceful waiting fills my heart, I want to thank You, Jesus, for that willingness to take hold of the Father's plan for You.  Thank You for embracing the Father's very difficult and very scary will for You.  I pray that I would have that strength to follow Your example and not shirk Your will for me in my fear and mistrust of Your perfect plan.

Today I am so grateful that Jesus, the Christ, the Son of God, the very Word become Flesh, died that cruel, intense, painfully humiliating death, the death of common criminals, just for me.

I'm filled with such joy and such sadness when I wonder if, when He was born to Mary in that stable, did He know? Did He know when He was young that He would be called on to suffer such a grisly and unbearable fate?

I think He did.  After all, He was God, in flesh...."veiled in flesh, the Godhead see! Hail the incarnate diety!"

I think He knew.  With crystal clear clarity.

And He came anyway.

Do you know this Christ of Whom I speak? If you do not...

Seek Him!
Find Him!
He waits for you.....He was born for you and He died for you!

Will you take Him into your heart today?     


Leanne said...
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Kathryn said...

What a lovely post. Merry Christmas to you my's SO good to be back in touch with you.

Hey, I noticed you use the same site I use for blog backgrounds. I found another with many more to choose from. On my sidebar, a couple down, scrappin blogs or something like that. Click on it, and check it out. They're beautiful...I'll have to change mine every week!

Amelia said...

What sweet thoughts and ponderings here! Thank you so much for taking the time to come by and share such sweet encouragement...I can see from your ponderings that you are a kindred spirit too...Life is so full of ponderings and gifts from the Lord if we will notice right? : ) Your family is darling. Loved your thoughts on Christmas, I've been thinking much of the same...

Your photo of how you feel with all of the toys in a jumble tickled me...yes, there are days when I feel like a fish out of water. My youngest who is 16 now...She used to always make faces on everything....Everything from a guitar tuner to a kitchen cute. It's good you are taking notice and making notes. I'm so glad to see other women who also take notice of these things and appreciate them like many of your commenters. That is one nice thing about blogging, it seems that many women who will take the time to blog are sensitive souls and I just love that. : )

It's so nice to meet you via dear Kathryn...She is a sweetheart as you must be too! : )

Renata said...

Thanks for sharing - so true. Even though I'm reading this a couple of weeks after you wrote this post, it's so applicable for each & every day! All we can do is Thank Him & praise Him!