Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Guess What??

I know, I's been a LONG time since I've posted!

I wanted to wait until the next Bumpdate, and I did have those pictures of our summer so far to post, but I still can't find them!! I had my latest check-up at my midwife's yesterday, and now I have info to share, so here's the long awaited post!!

Well, our Baby is healthy and growing and even had the hiccups! 

I'm actually 18 weeks and two days now.....I'm only going to do the subjects that have changed, so not all of the topics will be discussed because a lot of them just haven't changed since my last post!

So, here's the latest stats:

Weight gained? I've only gained about 3 or 4 lbs since my last appointment!! Thank the Lord, I was starting to be afraid that I'd keep gaining and gaining the weight and be as big as an elephant when this baby is born!!

Movement? Yep, feeling lots of pops and bubbles and pokes!

Cravings? Of course, like always! Let's see, lately it's been clam chowder, which I do like but hardly ever have! And the same coffee drinks I've always loved.

Sleep? My sleep is not wonderful.  I have to get up once and sometimes twice to go to the bathroom, and since we don't have a bathroom in our bedroom, I have to walk to the bathroom, which is SO SO SO hard at 3:30 in the morning!!! But it's all worth it in the end, for the pay off!!

Feeling? Well, I'm not feeling awesome.  My pelvis is starting to soften and stretch, and so it feels like it got ran over by a train and then taped back together upside down and inside out....ouch.  And I do have heartburn still.  But I will never complain, I realize fully what a blessing all of that is when the pay off is a beautiful baby!!

Gender? Oh yes, we managed to find out if we're having a boy or a girl yesterday.....IT'S A GIRL!!!!!! But I'm keeping her name under wraps! Yay! This makes Girl #8 for us!!

Best moment of the week? Well, obviously it was finding out that we're having a girl.....but it was also the phone call from a very, very dear friend from another church telling me that they would be having a baby shower for me!!!!! And I just had resigned myself to the fact that nobody on the planet has baby showers for Baby #9! So, I get to look forward to a baby shower!!! 

Miss anything? Nope.  

Looking forward to? I have so much to look forward to! Midwife appointments, having a bowl of clam chowder, coffee drinks, my baby shower, that first baby cry, snuggling with's bliss!! This Christmas is going to be the best ever!!

So there you have it, the latest Bumpdate!! And still no Bump picture.  I'm trying to talk myself into it, but I just can't find the courage to post my Bump online!! Lol.  Thanks for the patience and we'll just hope that my next post is a lot sooner!!


A Bite of Country Cupcakes said...

Great news and a Girl!!!! Oh how fantastic! Go on do the baby bump pics...Nothing better than a belly full of baby!

Theresa said...

Glad you are doing so well, how exciting!

Erin said...


Susan said...

Congrats so excited for you. Love that you are having another girl. I had 6 girls in a row then 2 boys and then I got another girl this april. I am in Heaven. I love my boys but I am so glad to have another little girl again.

Unknown said...

Yeaaa for PINK! I am so happy to read this post and know that you and baby are so well! Almost half way!!!