Look at this girl!!!
She's 16 month old now. Can you believe that??!!
I've never done a monthly post-type thing, but I want to for Pennie, just because she's so doggone cute, and I want to share her with you!
So, here's her "specs":
She's wearing size 18 month clothes, but she still fits into 12 month clothes too.I just put her into the bigger size to give her "wiggle room".
She's wearing size 4 Huggies Little Movers diapers.
She doesn't have tons of hair, at least not yet!
She sleeps in our room, in her crib.
She regularly sleeps from 10 PM to 4 or 5 AM. She takes two naps a day, at around noon and around 6 PM.
She eats all kinds of foods and drinks out of a regular cup really well, but she likes to spill the cup! She does drink out of her sippy cup, but she prefers a regular cup like her Big Sisters!
She LOVES cucumbers and ranch dip!!
She isn't really nursing much anymore. She always wants to nurse when she's tired. So, I'd say she nurses about twice a day.
She got her very first pair of shoes the other day!! I know, I know...I always say that, with my newborn babies I'm going to put shoes and headbands on them from the get-go, but they always end up tearing them off, so I guess I never keep that promise! She got shoes the other day....sad to say, they're BOY shoes! We needed some shoes for her really quickly because we were going to the park out by the river and we didn't want her walking around barefoot, so we stopped at Goodwill and just picked whatever fit. This DEEPLY offended my snooty sensibilities, but.....we needed them so we got them! She's so cute walking in them! But I don't like them....I have my eye on a pair at Target, but....we'll see!
This girl is so so so active! I mean it, I've never had a baby as active as this! She's all over the house every minute she's awake! We really have to keep an eye on her. Her favorite thing to do is go in the bathroom and unload the garbage into the toilet!! We'll be getting one of those small garbage cans with the lids soon! YUCK!! She also loves to unload our purses. Sounds like FUN!
First swimming suit! |
At our house, we think that pretty much every single solitary little thing she does is just to die for! She's the cat's meow, the bee's knees! We could just eat her with a spoon!
Look how far she's come!! |
She's in a Big Girl carseat now too! She still fits into her infant carseat, but we like to put her in the Big Girl seat just because she feels like a Big Sister!! Ha!
I hate to end this post on a sad note, but when I look at these pictures I can't help but see a shadow of Olivia, especially in the newborn pic. We call Olivia our Livie Birdie, and on Pennie's bedding there are birdies around the bumper pad and on the sheet, as well as on a couple of her blankies. Her diapers even have tiny birdies on the back, and when I'm changing her I hold the diaper up and point to the birdies and say "bird", and she tries to say it! I'm looking for a silver birdie charm to put on my necklace from The Vintage Pearl, which I wear every single day. My arms and heart ache for Olivia but she lives always for me in Pennie's eyes.
I hope you've enjoyed seeing a bit of our Pennie!!
She is a cutie, for sure! I love that stretch in the newborn pic. Makes my uterus skip a beat--ha! ;)
Oh loVVVVe this sweet Pennie post! I know you miss Olivia so much, I am glad you have Pennie as a glimpse of Olivia. Hugs saying a prayer for you now!
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